What you need to know
- All students agree to attendance regularly when enrolling at Impact Community ACADEMY.
- Students are expected to be on time. (This includes to school, back from breaks and when attending excursions)
- Lateness hinders on student engagement and can impact on their attendance data.
- Students are welcomed at any point to discuss and/or access their attendance information.
- There is an expectation that if a student has a prolonged absence for illness, then this will be supported by a medical certificate so as not to impact on attendance rates.
- A medical certificate will also need to be provided for missed Assessments.
- Centrelink will contact and request attendance details for students receiving payments from them. Poor student attendance can impact these payments and may require money to be paid back to Centrelink for non-attendance.
See further information in our student handbook - coming soon
The school administration system will record student absences as unexplained absences until the parent or carer has supplied a written or verbal explanation of their absence. Any lateness or absences impacts on attendance data.
Advising of Absences
Parent/carers are asked to contact the school as early as possible to notify of a student absence, best form is via phone.
Or a text/call can be made to the admin phone
Emails can also be sent to